Generating unreal header with VS

Dear Unreal Community,

I still cannot add new unreal class to the project via VisualStudio. I tried to add new .h and .cpp and right click on uproject->[generated visual studio project file.] but that didn’t help. VS still refuses to compile because it’s missing the generated header.
I have tried and read everything I could get my hand on, but that didn’t help my progress much.

So, can someone help tell me step by step about how to do this?

Really appreciate it. Thx.

Typically I find adding a new class is easier from within the UE4 Editor, you can make it blank if you dont want a template. You mention “VS still refuses to compile because it’s missing the generated header.”, Just to double check, do you always inlcude it and include it last in the header and VS still complains?