Generating Project Files - Visual Studio ERROR

Hi! I’ve been trying to install a cloned version of UE4 from GitHub, following all the steps found here A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums, but i have a problem in the last steps, before building the engine i have to Generate the Project Files but it keeps giving me a mistake that had never happened to me before when building the engine and don’t really know what it’s looking for me to do. Here’s what it says:


Also, this is how my directory folder looks at the moment:


Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Well, it uses Visual Studio to build. Do you have Visual studio 2012 or 2013 installed on your machine?

I am assuming you are trying to build a version of unreal prior to 4.10. Unreal requires Visual Studio 2015 since 4.10 and VS2013 for all earlier versions.

If you have Visual Studio intalled, then it might have problems finding the installation.

Hey Khaliszt-

You marked the product version as the master branch from github. This branch does not get tested and can often have unseen issues. Please try using the release branch and let me know if you are still getting this error. As DennyR mentioned, Visual Studio 2015 is required if you are using any version of the engine past 4.10.

Hi ! I just noticed i marked it as master but i’m actually on the release version so it was my bad. I changed it to 4.12 to avoid confusions. For the time being i’m going to guess the problem is havind UE4.12 but Visual Studio 2015… i have to get my hands to Visual Studio 2013 and see if that fixes the problem (which would be weird because i’m installing a 4.12 version).

Greetings, I am having same problem, I did check my Git repository branch and its on “release”. I have VisualStudio2015 Community, its a fresh install, like OS. But my installation of VisualStudio is placed in Program Files(x86) while I have x64 OS, maybe that is causing problems?


Hi, systemNinja101, your problem resembles a lot to mine. I could actually fix mine!!
First of all what version of Unreal Engine are you trying to install? For versions prior to 4.12 or 4.11 (not sure) you need Visual Studio 2013, and for versions posterior to it (inclusive) you need Visual Studio 2015. That’s what i’ve heard. Now, i tried to fix that problem changing the versions of VS, and it sort of worked, and i say sort of because a weird problem-fix happened: I opened VS and chose to open file (the Generate Project Files batch), and it gave me the error, and right after that i double clicked the document itself and it started generating them. I have no explanations for that sincerely.
So my advice is to make sure you have the correct version of Visual Studio and try to open it again. Now, to make sure, did you download the dependencies? And what version of the engine are you using? If you forked/downloaded some version from gitHub make sure you choose inside your gitHub desktop manager the version that you want to currently use. I did the whole process to find i installed 4.7 and almost broke my heart haha. Then i had to reinstall it and changed it to 4.12.5 with the modifications i wanted.

Hope you can fix your problem!

Hi again! I fixed the problem but i don’t have a certain clear explanation because all i did was merging on gitHub, then choosing that version on my github desktop manager and after that,downloading dependencies and generating project files (first i installed wrongly 4.7 and had to use VS2013 and after that i reinstalled the correct 4.12 version and had to use VS2015). But i first tried it from VS opening the file and it didn’t work and afterwards i just double-clicked the document and voilà it worked. Just leaving the comment there if someone finds it useful!

I followed tutorial from the same link as you did and followed that guide, I forked release version from gitHub, problem is I have limited internet and I wanted to “save” installation of UE4 for future use in case something goes wrong. Otherwise I would have downloaded UE4 the normal way and save myself fuss… Already had problem, where UE4 said that I need SP1 version of Windows 7 while I could run Unity which also requires SP1…

This is repository I forked.

This is screenshot of my desktop gitHub variant.

EDIT: I tried to open Generate Project Files batch, but VisualStudio would not display that file to me, I tried changing what to display… Did not work…

EDIT2: If by “downloading dependencies” you mean clicking on Setup.bat then yeah I did that part as well.