I was thinking of making a maze shooter where the game has endless waves but also has random generating maps after each wave? How would I create random generating maps?
Just spawn pieces of map in proper position and rotation, depending on what structure of map you want. There endless ways how you can approach this
Understandable, is there a link or a direction to where you can point me towards?
Well it’s kind of hard, because it is as simple as spawning pieces of level in right position (calculated by math) and i assume you already know how to spawn actors (note that everything on the level except BSP are actors, including all static meshes you place that are part of the level). It’s simple as that, so as you may guess ways to do it is infinite and it mainly depends n you game design how you approach it. You would need to describe your game more to give you more hints.
One tip i can give you is try to do more grid approach which should be easier and would need to do much advance math to do it.
You can also find some ready solutions in unreal marketplace, maybe some free once in github if you search right.
There is an example made by Epic, I think in the Unreal Marketplace, for free. I think it is called Turn-Based Strategy Game Example or something like that.
I goes into 2 main subjects: Grid-based random map generation and A* navigation for AI (an alternative to the navmesh).
I created a very simple random maze generator for my game Scooty Shooty (not published yet, but close - just gotta resolve a few more bugs, but the maze generation works perfectly every time) by looking up on Google an algorithm that gives the kind of maze I wanted, and creating that in Unreal. I made a struct that stores where there are walls on each floor tile (north south east and west), along with whether it has already visited that tile, and some other data, and I used the algorithm over an array of these structs to “carve” out the paths of the maze by flipping the flag for each wall to FALSE wherever there shouldn’t be a wall.
The algorithm I used is recursive and I was doing this in Blueprints, so I had to change my project settings to allow more than 250 function calls on the runtime stack. I also had to make sure the recursion was working properly (it used to keep on drilling down for every tile and every direction, instead of popping back up when it had completed a path!)
That’s just one way to do it, which may or may not meet your needs.
Wow, thank you so much! I was honestly thinking of making a beautiful maze shooter like maze wars but with random loot and weapons laid out around the maze with random generating maze each round and random weapon spawns with up to multiple players.
Thank you so much, I’ll give it a go!