generating hlod meshes on 1 of my small sub levels crashes unreal… sometimes i get an out of memory message, sometimes i get no error message… but unreal never gives the traditional crash report message…
I have 24 gb of ram with over 60 gb set for hard drive page file size… and again this sub level isnt all that big. it has a lot of props, but its basically 1 or 2 rooms… it usually just gets stuck for an hour or 2 on like the 12th our of 14th sub level… and eventually unreal just dies with an error for memory usually…
Seems like the problem HLOD is on the 2nd group of hlods… as in 1st group of hlods are closer distance and just merging models and not materials… while the 2nd group takes all of those hlods,it would seem, and uses simplygon to merge and create a proxy mesh / material. That 2nd group freezes at 5% and stays there for a long time frozen and crashes it eventually…
I was wrong… one of the 1st group of hlods that are merging models and not merging materials… actually crashes it… and it takes a long time… very unusually long… has the percentage basically stuck for a while until it eventually dies…
This time i was able to send the crash report or whatever
Ok… apparently i think i found the problem… or one of the problems. If i have any “groups” that contain both lights and geometry… then it will crash. If i ungroup all groups it seems to go through… though the HLOD has 0 polys… which may be another problem… not sure… i have another post that deals with that that needs a response…
just tried to generate the 2nd group hlod that uses simplygon to merge the materials…(since the first set of hlods are working…) But unfortunately it froze at 5 % and after a couple of hours it crashed and said “fatal error” error message…
It succeeded in generating 1 time after i grouped every single static mesh then ungrouped them… but unfortunately i cant get a repeat of it working… now when i try it takes like 4 hours with the simplygon attempt for the same simplygon group…
Now when it crashes it doesnt even give me an error message to report the crash… nor does it give me any warnings about memory… unreal engine 4 simply vanishes and stops running… right back to windows…
i dont recall… could have been because of a specific material with a projecting mapping for the texture on there that was causing teh crash, but im not sure.
i dont recall… could have been because of a specific material with a projecting mapping for the texture on there that was causing teh crash, but im not sure.