Hi guys,
I appreciate there’s quite a few topics about the GenerateProjectFiles.bat and generating the VS .sln files. However, I have tried a lot of different thing to make it work without any effect.
My setup
- I am running SP1 with a
fresh install of Visual Studio 2013.
VS2013. - My C drive is a small SSD and
my A drive is my storage where VS2013
and Unreal Engine (UE) are kept.
What I’ve done…
- I cloned a copy of Unreal Engine (UE) repo from Github,
- I downloaded the dependencies using Setup.bat
The problem
When I run GenerateProjectFiles.bat (running as administrator), it gets stuck on ‘Writing project files…’
I have checked the tmp file that this process generates in my AppData folder and it is empty.
What I’ve tried to resolve the issue
- I have checked VS2013…
Visual Studio 2013 is installed at A:\APPLICATIONS\VisualStudio. My environment variable VS120COMNTOOLS is correctly pointing to A:\APPLICATIONS\VisualStudio\Common7\Tools. There are no special/odd characters in the file paths that could confuse the program, there are also no “” wrapped around the file paths.
I have added A:\APPLICATIONS\VisualStudio\Common7\Tools\ to my Path variables too, just to be thorough. No effect.
There was an old environment variable pointing to an uninstalled copy of Visual Studio 2012, which I removed in case of potential conflicts but that did nothing.
I have checked my registry set up for Visual Studio and InstallDir is correctly pointing to A:\APPLICATIONS\VisualStudio\Common7\IDE\ (again, without any “” wrapped around the file path).
I have also wrote, built and ran a small program in Visual Studio to make sure that was all working, which it is.
- I have checked more environment variables
I have added the System32 to my Path variables. It wasn’t present before but adding it had no effect.
I’ve made sure .NET and MSBuild are in my Path variables. They weren’t originally but after adding them (and testing that they were findable) they had no effect. I have tried with .NET versions 3.5 and 4.0.30319.
- I played with the tmp files and AppData folder
I made sure to remove all tmp files before I tried to run the .bat file again. I also tried to run the .bat file that was generated to try to manually populate the tmp file, but this had no effect.
- I have tried to edit the GetVSComnToolsPath.bat file
I’ve attempted to hardcode the path to Visual Studio by changing the end part of the code to:
SET VSComnToolsPath=“A:\APPLICATIONS\VisualStudio\Common7\Tools”
I then took it a step further and re-wrote the entire .bat file to this:
@anonymous_user_add01a93 off
SET VSComnToolsPath=
SET VSComnToolsPath=“A:\APPLICATIONS\VisualStudio\Common7\Tools”
This produced an error saying that a copy of VS2013 could not be found.
Where I am now
Suffice to say I’ve tried a lot. I’ve done a lot of research and implemented a lot of the solutions to the problem others have had but nothing seems to be working.
Am I missing anything?
Many, many thanks in advance.