I have VS2013 for Windows Desktop freshly installed and it runs fine. When trying to generator the projectfiles the following error occures:
GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: We
couldn’t find a valid installation of
Visual Stud io. This program requires
either Visual Studio 2013 or Visual
Studio 2012. Ple ase check that you
have Visual Studio installed, then
verify that the HKEY_LOCAL
on 32-bit machines) registry value is
set. Visual Studio configures this
value when it is installed , and this
program expects it to be set to the
'\Common7\IDE' sub-folder under a
valid Visual Studio installation
When i check for that entry, it is there and the enviroment variable is set:
What do i do? Reinstalling changes nothing. I checked the engine out of Github serveral times in case something was corrupted.
My different pathes:
Engine folder (where the .bat sits) C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents\GitHub\UnrealEngine
VS 2013 folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0
Please help me!
Edited this entry to add a better screenshot and a update of the problem. (The InstallDir path does not show completly in the screenshot, but it definitly points exactly to …\Common7\IDE\
Yes i have and made sure this is not the cause of the error (i should have mentioned that). The thing is i miss almost all of the entries VS normally creates in the registry and reinstalling does not help. I downloaded the official .iso and installed it, restartet several times, reinstalled it.
Can you take take the attached .txt file save it to your desktop and delete the .txt extension to create a .bat file. Run that file and it will generate an Info.txt file. Upload that Info.txt for me to look at.
Right-Click “Computer” >> Properties >> Advanced System Settings >> “Environment Variables”, search for VS120COMNTOOLS variable and add the location of your common 7/tools directory: Mine looks like this:
*C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools*
If you do not have the VS120COMNTOOLS variable then make new with that exact name and the value should be the common 7/tools directory like above.
Let me know if this does or does not work for you -
Do you also have a copy of VS2012 on your CPU? You could try to remove that variable and see if that clears the problem, but if you do have VS 2012 on your CPU then it will not work again until that variable is put back in exactly as it is.
Also just a quick check as well, Are you using the Express 2013 for Windows Desktop and NOT the Express 2013 for Windows?
Removing the enviroment variable for VS 2012 does not change anthing …
I installed now VS 2013 ultimate (registered, no trail version). I have now all the needed registry entries, but i still get the same error!
Edit: After investigating the .bat structure i edited the “GetVSComnToolsPath.bat” (because it created the error) and set the path manually to the right directory. Running the “GenerateProjectFiles.bat” now generates a new error:
Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project
files… Der Befehl “msbuild” ist
entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden. (German for: The command “msbuild” is written incorrectly or has a typo or cannot be found)
GenerateProjectFiles ERROR:
UnrealBuildTool failed to compile.
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . . (Press any key to continue…)
Edit 2: when opening “UnrealBuildTool.csproj” in VS2013 i can compile it without any problems when selecting “debug” (see → link )… but i dont know what development folder he means in his solution.
Yes, i know that. The problem is not solved by this. I am still having the problem, that the .bat to generate the project files does not find VS 2013. When i enter the path manually into the .bat’s it does not work with the following ones. I really’d like to start programming … It looks to me that the .bat files cannot access the registry or the enviroment variables at all …
I don’t know if this helps, but I just downloaded both the latest preview build and the 4.4.1 build. The 4.4.1 build ‘GenerateProjectFiles.Bat’ worked fine. The preview build generated the same error message as in this thread, so the problem must be within the preview build files.