There is an error that follows, but it disappears too fast for me to read it; the error appears as the cmd window closes.
Hi. You ran the setup batch file to download all the stuff, right? And, try running the generateprojectfiles as Administrator.
I have run Setup.bat successfully, and after trying to run GenerateProjectFiles.bat as Administrator, the same issue occurs from before.
I just wanted to share my findings, after having frustratingly tried to install the UE4 its Source. (And Failed).
I hope, or think I had the same issue. Im not a programmer of any kind, so I spend the entire day trying and failing to install the GitHub version of Unreal. I followed all the official Epic steps, including: [UE4 Zeblote’s VS2017 fix ][1]. Like you all, the GenerateProjectFiles.bat file shows some text, and immediately closes, quickly showing your 0% error, making it unable to create the required UE4.sln and UE4Games.uprojectdirs files.
At some point, and after some frustrating hours, I decided to completely ignore clicking on the GenerateProjectFiles.bat file, and run it on my own. Just open a fresh, new CMD window. Search for your local build data on the drive where the GenerateProjectFiles.bat file is located (Ill explain this below). In my case this was “F:” and the full path was: “F:\GitSource\UnrealEngine\GenerateProjectFiles.bat”.
You see the initial line in CMD, this looks something like “C:\Users[YOUR_USERNAME]>”. I then typed the drive letter “f:” (Without Quotes). The drive changes, and after pressing enter, I typed: “cd GitSource\UnrealEngine”. After pressing enter again, the line looks like: “F:\GitSource\UnrealEngine”. I then typed: “GenerateProjectFiles.bat” and pressed enter.
Now finally the Binding Intellisense data and Writing project files go to 100% without any problems, and the required UE4.sln and UE4Games.uprojectdirs files are beiing created :).
Hope this helps for anyone. Again, I am not a programmer, so I might did have done something wrong in the first place, but after a lot of trial and error, experimentations and frustrations, this method finally worked for me.
thx Danny, your solution helped a lot. At least now cmd prompt doesnt only close at 0% (leaving you with big ? in your head), but displays specific errors i had to fix. and thanks to that i found 2 issues that was closing cmd prompt.-missing Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools and Windows SDK v8.1.
Ah! A bit late with this reaction, but glad it helped you out with your installation ar2r. Did you completed the installation after installing the Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools and Windows SDK v8.1?