There comes a strange Error Message: fatal error C1083: file (Include) can’t be oppened: “Tank.generated.h”: No such file or directory
If I search for the filepath (Unreal Projects\BattleTank\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\BattleTank) I find a folder with many Files but no file that is Tank.generated.h or Tank.gen.cpp.
Already tried:
I restarted unreal, rebuild Visual Studio, search for the code C1083 and I tried to copy the Tank.generated.h from an other Project.
Can you show the code? You sure you not missed UCLASS()? UHT wont create this file is there is not object to register, all UPROPERTY and such are ignored.
Have you tried to right click and select "regenerate "on the .uproject file?
(I have a couple times where generated.h missing or still hold the old definition of UFUNCTION/UPROPERTY, and this was something I do to get past it)