I’ve been following a tutorial, which was about how to make a dedicated server. The guy said, that I need to create another .target.cs file but for a server. So I did everything he said to do in this file and when I run Generate Visual Studio Project Files I get this error:
While compiling C:\Users\drips\Documents\Unreal Projects\DEDsession2\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\DEDsession2ModuleRules.dll:
ERROR: c:\Users\drips\Documents\Unreal Projects\DEDsession2\Source\DEDsession2Server.Target.cs(6,12) : error CS1729: 'UnrealBuildTool.TargetRules' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Unable to compile source files.
It probably says, that there’s a constructior in UnrealBuildToot, that doesn’t have matching argument number in DEDsession2Server.Target.cs file. I checked the line it mentioned in the log but I saw 1 argument in the contructor. i guess it didn’t recognise it and I don’t know why.
If anyone knows, how to fix this problem, please tell me and thanks for helping me.
here’s my DEDsession2Server.Target.cs code:
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class DEDsession2ServerTarget : TargetRules
public DEDsession2ServerTarget(TargetInfo Target)
Type = TargetType.Server;