Generate random weather effects with formulas

Does anyone know in what way does the unreal engine follow a similar pattern to the actual theoretical equations used in multiple actual weather theories. I noticed this program follows a set value for movement and destruction of objects due to use of for example wind, but is it possible to derive away from the set values and create your own? Will the wind speed always be set as the program has it set as or can I input somehow for example a derived Navier Stokes Equation, or the Vorticity Theorem so that I can simulate situations and adjust them to fit a visual representation of these set equations? Each of these equations if possible to implement, can make it so that weather animations will not all follow a set animation . The vorticity Theorem for example follows a guideline of pressure, if somehow you can change pressure in this program you will notice that at lower values of pressure your winds increase in speed. Can this program simulate wind at different elevations?? Is the wind on this program set to always follow a set animation? Would it be possible to see wind speed change as we reach lower pressure settings? I know this seems complicated but adding a weather animation based off of actual theory would be a great way to make games more dynamic in this sense. Summarizing: Can you put an actual Mathematical/Scientific Formula into the program by coding?

What I’m trying to do is create my own weather simulation

I am intrigued. Complicated? yes. Impossible, I hope not. Try imagining wind as an actor and apply AI. In this way you could cause the actor to respond to different situations (pressure, obstacles, temperature, other weather actors, etc.) You could really get as complicated as you want. Then simply setting a speed parameter to randomize according to something silly like pawn position might be interesting.
To actually use a random generator might also work. Think procedural algorithm. Then a get Vector or float function. Of course again the numbers will not be truly random but what would be the limit of range?
And the number of particle animations and or physics associated with events can be made and mixed for the illusion of variation.

Sorry if this is all gibberish. I wish I had thought of it.

Sounds not impossible, but very difficult. From my own experience with blueprints over the last six months or so, I haven’t messed with AI but I figure that the things you want to do will need some code as well as blueprints. I would use blueprints to handle most of the actual weather simulation, but the AI stuff and many of the reactions to the weather will at least partially be done in code. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your English though, when you say animation, do you mean actual animation of characters/creatures or weather effects? If all you want to do is make dynamic weather effects, you should be able to do that without code. Take Solus for example (Solus - YouTube); his weather system was 100% blueprints.