Generate project files error


I have downloaded Visual Studio Express 2013 and running on Service Pack 1 x64.

When I double click on generateprojecfiles.bat, I get some error.

UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build this target.

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files.


I’m tired of downloading and I also have a limited internet. I have 4 GB download limit. First I have downloaded UE4 source files. It required to download VS2013. But VS2013 required minimum sp1. So I need to download sp1. After downloading that and updating my windows. Now please don’t tell me that I need to download more and more thing in order to compile this!!! Really tired of downloading and not working and again downloading to support that and one more thing to support that and so on… :frowning:

Please give me a solution for this.

Hi ,

Were you able to get the Windows SDK for 8.1 installed? This SDK allows you to make apps for Windows 8.1, and is required by the Engine. The installation file is a relatively small download (less than 1 MB), but the installation ends up being between 10 MB and 1 GB, depending on the options you select when installing it. The last step of the installation process lets you select what parts of the SDK you want to install, so you can remove any parts that you don’t need.

One other quick question that I wanted to make sure of. When you downloaded Visual Studio Express 2013, did you get the “for Windows Desktop” version?

Also, did you get the dependency files for the version of the Unreal Engine that you are trying to build? If you do not have those, you will not be able to successfully build the Engine.

Thanks for the reply. But the problem has been solved.

I downloaded all the required files, Visual Studio Express 2013 and Windows SDK for 8.1 and it worked. I was missing the Windows SDK. Now I have successfully compiled the solution on VS2013 and now able to run the engine :slight_smile:

same here

i downloaded and installed both sdk v8.1 and v10 . but i still get the error says install windows sdk v8.1

Hi miraomid and ionbordura,

What version of the Engine are you trying to build when you see this message, and what version of Visual Studio are you using?