Generate Navigation Shortcut

during the editing of colliders (with every action), Navigation Mesh is generated automatically.
I can turn it off at Editor Preferences / Level Editor - Miscellaneous / Editing / Update Navigation Automatically. However, I couldn’t find the shortcut to generate the Navigation Mesh.
What is the shortcut (is there a shortcut) for Update Navigation?

Yes, there is a shortcut for Update Navigation. By default, the shortcut is set to Ctrl + Shift + N on Windows and Cmd + Shift + N on Mac. However, you can customize the shortcut by going to the Editor Preferences and searching for “Update Navigation” under the Keyboard Shortcuts section.

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Thanks for the answer.

Ctrl + Shift + N doesn’t seem to work.

I filtered the shorcuts but there is no Update Navigation.


I guess you could just tick back the ‘‘automatically generate navigation’’ check box when you done and tick it off when you change stuff in your level…

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Is Ctrl + Shift + N from another engine?

I remember doing this in UE4 maybe they change it in UE5 need to check it