General questions

Hello everyone.

I don’t know for you guys but for me, the struggle with assets is real.
Currently i have no problem with programming or logic thinking but, having almost 0 experience with modelling and animating i find myself obligated to pay for assets. Which are not cheap, especially for a student.

How do you guys manage to do the above things? Any good starting point?
Would it be better to start animating pre-existing free models or to start creating them first?

And also, what do you prefer to use between blueprints and C++ code?
I have noticed that with almost each update of the engine, new code or methods are introduced, forcing you to ‘fix’ some problems before being able to build the actual C++ project.
Meanwhile, with blueprints you just run the project conversion wizard and it does the job by itself.
And also, why do you prefer bp’s over C++ or vice versa?

Thank you,

I personally would recommend you to start with creating your own meshes -> after that do the animation part. Depending on your 3d program I can post you some useful tutorials. :slight_smile:
In my opinion the easiest way to learn a 3d program is to watch basic tutorials + constantly try to create your own meshes (you will see that you get better and better with every mesh)

I personally prefer blueprints, because they are easy to use + you can create something in a pretty short period of time.

Thank you for your quick answer.

Currently i’m trying to use Maya.

Also, do blueprints have a heavy impact on large-scaled games?

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Blueprint vs C++ Performance:

“much slower than C++, but unless you’re executing a ton of blueprint code you’ll likely not even notice, because far less blueprint code is run compared to C++. Hope that helps.”

Maya Tutorials:
-basics: ?v=V7p1XROYzY8 ?v=x5Sr8y2EORo
-after that I would start with “special” stuff -> e.g ?v=aBsZY4kaNQY :slight_smile:

Somebody make an unreal tournament junk yard map with all the different types of vehicles laying around and stacked up. Maybe even set it up where you can hop on turrets that still work connected to broke down junk vehicles. Maybe even be able to repair turrets with link gun And have some green goo oil leaking out from them ive had this idea since beginning of ut3 and tryed to get someone to make it but never succeeded