General Information

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing as an interior designer. I bought Twinmotion and I was very surprised by the lack of basic feature for architects, which is the ability to enter your own .jpg file and give it custom dimensions. Please understand that scaling, rotating or stretching alone is not enough for the architect, who must show the client what bathroom or the kitchen will look like. Exact size of the tiles is crucial, as is the ability to determine thickness of joints between them. I used to work with Artlantis and this feature worked perfectly. I had the option to give a custom dimension to the tile e.g. 60x30 cm and then set it in different configurations. Functions of scaling, rotating or any other location change were possible. Could you upgrade software with this basic tool for the architects?

Another thing is the problem with LED lightning.It creates strange reflections in the shape of a light tube on a glass surface - how to eliminate it? Idea of this feature is great, but because of this underdevelopment, for me as an architect, it is pointless to use it.

Furthermore, after closing the program, textures previously created disappear. Why are custom textures not saved into the project and they disappear with the next opening of the program? It causes additional work and frustration.

Last but not least, bonding of textures. It cannot be that, if I give one material to one wall and then to another wall, the program reads both walls as if they were from the same material. Those walls were prepared earlier in Archicad and each of them has a different texture. Regardless of what texture I give to the wall in Twinmotion, it should keep its own texture independence even if I give it a material already used in the project.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Gabriela Zabieglińska


Pour les « textures perso », de base, un petit passage par photoshop s’impose pour maitriser le calepinage (notamment épaisseur des joints qui s’étirent forcément lors d’une homothétie). De plus un UV mapping et/ou une texture qui reboucle en Pbr permet une maitrise totale des joints et autres contrairement à une simple image jpg. En gros, sans un travail de map en amont (fabriquer ces propres variantes à l’achelle), un 40 x 40 ne devient pas subitement un 60 x 60 ou un 30 x 60 sans conséquence sur le reste (ici : des joints sans doute surdimensionnés). De la même manière les textures de TM, en cas d’homothétie franche, sont logiquement déformées.

Concernant les « shader » dans Artlantis, ils trouvent vite leurs limites même si le logiciel, qui devient malheureusement une usine à gaz, offre de bonnes performances (avec une bonne machine pour calculer (^_^)).

Je ne rencontre pas le problème de perte de « texture perso » après fermeture du programme. Par sécurité tu peux enregistrer ces dernières dans tes ressources utilisateur (ta bibliothèque TM).

Pour « l’indépendance » des matériaux, je pense que ça dépend de la manière dont tu appliques ces dernières (option : remplacer ou appliquer).

Pour les Led, sans exemple visuel ce n’est pas simple de t’aider…cela dit, les luminaires ont parfois des comportements qui ne sont pas des plus simple à gérer…





For the basic "personal textures", a short passage through photoshop is necessary to master the layout (in particular the thickness of the joints which necessarily stretch during a homothety). In addition, UV mapping and/or a texture that loops in Pbr allows total control of joints and others, unlike a simple jpg image. Basically, without a map work upstream (making these own variants at scale), a 40 x 40 does not suddenly become a 60 x 60 or a 30 x 60 without consequence on the rest (here: joints probably oversized). In the same way, the textures of TM, in the case of a clear homothety, are logically deformed.

Concerning the “shaders” in Artlantis, they quickly find their limits even if the software, which unfortunately becomes a gas plant, offers good performance (with a good machine to calculate (^_^)).

I do not encounter the problem of loss of "personal texture" after closing the program. For security you can save these in your user resources (your TM library).

For the “independence” of the materials, I think it depends on how you apply them (option: replace or apply).

For LEDs, without a visual example it's not easy to help you...that said, the lights sometimes have behaviors that are not the easiest to manage...




TM version 2022.2

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community and for the feedback on your experience since the purchase of Twinmotion.

  1. There are some limitations in terms of accuracy with texture size using the Transform tool but we have planned improvements on this topic on our road-map where you can make additional comments and suggestions:
  2. For the LED issue, please provide a screen-shot of the effect you are describing so we can best respond.
  3. Any created texture if you want to use them in another Twinmotion file you will need to save them to the User library. Screenshot 2022-08-22 173055
  4. When importing the content from Archicad there could be slight difference depending on how you imported the element and what Collapse method you choose and how you applied materials to the elements. ( 2022-08-22 174300You may need to select that element then go to the import menu and select Reset Material on Selection so that the different material is not grouped any longer from the edits you made in Twinmotion.Screenshot 2022-08-22 173522

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

As for the disappearing textures, of course I know I can save them in my library and I do, but that doesn't change the fact that I have to re-apply them. I'll try the suggested solution. The problem with the led light looks like the pictures. I still think that even the not perfect solution of Artlantis in the field of tile arrangement is better than none - because photoshop is a separate program and should not be a solution for visualizing bathrooms in Twinmotion ...