when i packeging a gear vr game i get an eroor here is it
PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Error
here is all of my output log
Hello, 678GUY,
Reading your error log, it seems there was a problem accessing the Android Manifest file.
The particular lines detailing the fail are:
Warning: can’t write resource [META-INF/MANIFEST.MF] (Duplicate zip entry [android-support-v4.jar:META-INF/MANIFEST.MF])
It is also detailing that it is building the apk as unsigned, and the build fails just after echoing that it is signing the final package (but it seems like there is nothing to sign with)
Did you checked the “Configure the AndroidManifest for deployment to GearVR” checkbox as described in step 6 of this guide?
Also, did you generated the OSIG File corresponding to your phone and placed it in the correct folder?
yes i did all of it but i do i need my phone to be connected while i do it because i saw a video that packging it and it says someting about the phone and then it stoped
When I have packaged for gear, I have never needed my phone connected.
When you package, it will make a folder with some files and a bat file. That bat is responsible for installing the app on your phone; when you run that one (outside of unreal), you will need your phone connected. But never while packaging.
i did all of this do you want me to send you the project and the settings if that will help ?
i did all of this do you want me to send you the project and the settings if that will help ?
Can you test that you can package for Android without GearVR enabled? If so, Diego is correct that you will need to check that you have properly setup your OSIG file and placed this in Engine\Build\Android\Java\assets folder location.
no thx after some time i was able to fix it but thx