Hello, I’m using a Trimble DA2 receiver with their Catalyst positioning service to collect traffic crash scene data, including GCP’s. I then map the scene with UAS and in the past have used Pix4D to create point cloud / ortho for import into CAD software. The Trimble Reveal CAD software can produce a calibration file that Pix4D will import to bring the GCP’s in. I cannot seem to get this to work with Reality Capture because the measurement log created by the Trimble product essentially creates a local scene “zero” point when doing your initial set up.
If I strip all GPS data from UAS images and create a local coordinate system I can get everything to line up, but I know there has to be a better way. The calibration file that I’m talking about contains the following:
-1252411.625 | -15623876.67 | -613.537 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.000251412 | ||||||||||||||||
PROJCS[WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_17N | GEOGCS[GCS_WGS_1984 | DATUM[D_WGS_1984 | SPHEROID[WGS_1984 | 6378137 | 298.257223563]] | PRIMEM[Greenwich | 0] | UNIT[Degree | 0.017453292519943295]] | PROJECTION[Transverse_Mercator] | PARAMETER[latitude_of_origin | 0] | PARAMETER[central_meridian | -81.0000000000002] | PARAMETER[scale_factor | 0.9996] | PARAMETER[false_easting | 1640419.94750656] | PARAMETER[false_northing | 0] | UNIT[Foot | 0.3048]] |
egm96 |
Is there a way to use this calibration file in Reality Capture?