GCP make the model wrong

Hi everyone.
Sorry for my english.
I have a problem: I have import 1300 photo of a road survey, I started the process of “Allign Immages” and all work fine (the model is seems like reality).
I have insert 30 GCP measured with GPS and converted to local system (The output I need). (The GCP coordinates is correct)
Ok when i allign immages the model is completely wrong respect the reality.
I’ve done this many times before on other surveys and the GCPs have the coordinates I entered. In this model the coordinates of the Current Position (after re allign immages) are NOT those entered! Some are off by 100 metres, a huge mistake. I do not understand why.
Thank for te support!


Did you disable the GPS Exif information from the cameras? You can do it in the Alignment settings:


or you can select all images (CTRL+A) and change their absolute pose to unknown:

Thanks for your answer
The GPS EXIF they were disabled.
I tried to change the absolute poses of the images to unknow but it doesn’t work.
I don’t understand why the GCPs don’t respect the coordinates entered!

Hi Fabio,
are you doing a new alignment after changing those settings? When you use Update under Alignment tab/Registration will it change?
Also, you can try export your GCPs and control points, open new project, clear cache, import the images, set Unknown and No for georeferencing them, import GCPs and control point measurements and then align the data again.

I tried to start from the beginning, in a new file.
I always have the problem of GCP points not following the entered coordinates!
See the deviation in the coordinates in “total deviations”
What am I doing wrong? Thank you

Your images are still for some reason georeferenced:
Are all of them set to Unknown for their position?
Also, do you have set the Project and Output coordinate system correctly?
What were your exact steps in the project?

I tried to start from the beginning, in a new file once again in this moment.
The model is in local coordinates (input and output) and set use camera georegerencing NO.
1 - I uploaded the images from the folder
2 - I select the photos and eliminate the georeferencing (absolute pose - Unknown)
3 - I align the photo
4 - I insert the points one by one, and insert name, GCP, reference system Euclidean coordinates and coordinates
5 - Update and allign the photo
6 - This is the result (trying to align several times). Some places have huge errors!

I don’t understand why


Hi Fabio,
how do the aligned images look? How were you capturing the images (what is the flight path over road)?
Are the GCPs placed on both sides of the road? Is it possible to process the data in smaller batches and then merge them together in one project?
I see that only 933 images from 1300 were aligned. was the overlap satisfied?
You can try set the higher weight for the GCPs (like to 100) and also set their accuracies to zeros (just to see the results).

I have the same problem with another big project:
2100 images aligned, but they don’t follow the CGPs! I do not understand why.
How is it possible?
Land of 280K m2 enclosed by 40 CGP.

Hi Fabio,
are you using the same steps and settings as in previous case? Have you used also some of the given advices?
Would it be possible to share your data with us? If so, can you please contact our support at support@capturingreality.com?

Yes, same procedure.
I write emails!
Thank you

Same problems here. Doesn’t help for a forum if you guys solve it via E-Mail.

So whats the workflow to fix these two problems above? Please reply, thank you!!

Hi @OctaconGeotech
Have you tried some of the mentioned recommendations above?
This is mostly the problem of the capturing process (no double grid, no different height, no different capturing angles).
Also, using fixed calibration for cameras could help also the advices from this post: Tutorial: Banana Effect - What To Do If My Model is Bent.