GAS Wait Input Pressed

I am a beginner for GAS and trying to build a melee ability, but the function wait input pressed is not working when I put it in ActiveAbility

this is how I active the ability:

and here is how I used the Wait Input Pressed in Ability

I am using the engine version 5.4.1, Does anyone know how to use this node?

Hi! You should use InvokeReplicatedEvent(EAbilityGenericReplicatedEvent::InputPressed, Spec.Handle, Spec.ActivationInfo.GetActivationPredictionKey());
Check -GitHub - tranek/GASDocumentation: My understanding of Unreal Engine 5's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.

hi, thank you for the answer, could you tell me where I should call this function? before active the ability or in “ActivateAbility”