[GAS] Tried to add Sprinting but it won't match the animation.

TLDR: Added a sprint state to GAS character but it doesn’t sprint in game.

I tried to enable the Sprinting state to the Game Animation Sample project by doing the following:

  1. In the character blueprint set Sprint as the Gait returned when WantstoSprint and FullMovementInput are true.

  2. Created a new Pose Search Database and registered in the Chooser Table under the conditions: OnGround, Stand, Moving, Sprint.

  3. Using Control Rig + Sequencer, I loaded the M_Neutral_Run_Loop_F and changed the rotation of some bones. Saved with Bake Animation Sequence.

  4. In the animation browser: Activated EnableRootMotion and ForceRootLock.

  5. The newly created PSD is populated with the same animations as Run except the run forward, which uses the new anim sequence.

  6. Debugged the Gait value to confirm it is in the Sprint state when it should (by pressing Shift in my case).

The problem: The character doesn’t match the new animation when sprinting, it continues to display the forward Run animation.

In the animation browser I noticed that in the OG run animation the character actually moves forward. In my first attempt the new animation stands still, so in a 2nd attempt I also animated the root bone moving forward. Both attempts failed, so I’m wondering if I missed a step or misunderstood a concept because I don’t know why the sprinting is not working.