Hello Everyone,
I’m currently experiencing an issue when applying an effect to a target using the spec handle. Specifically, the Gameplay Cue associated with the Gameplay Effect is not being executed on clients, although the modifiers are correctly applied. Upon checking the log, I found the following errors occurring at the moment I apply the effect, both originating from the ability system component class:
LogNet: Error: ReceivedRPC: ReceivePropertiesForRPC - Mismatch read. Function: Client_EffectApplied
LogNet: Error: ReceivedRPC: ReceivePropertiesForRPC - Mismatch read. Function: NetMulticast_InvokeGameplayCueExecuted_FromSpec
Below is the code snippet from my base damage ability where I apply the effect:
FGameplayEffectSpecHandle SpecHandle = DamageEffectParams.SourceAbiltySystemComponent->MakeOutgoingSpec(DamageEffectParams.DamageGameplayEffectClass, DamageEffectParams.AbilityLevel, EffectContextHandle);
UAbilitySystemBlueprintLibrary::AssignTagSetByCallerMagnitude(SpecHandle, DamageEffectParams.DamageType, DamageEffectParams.BaseDamage);
TArray<FActiveGameplayEffectHandle> GameplayEffectToTarget = ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToTarget(
Has anyone else experienced this issue?