GAS Activation failed tags don't work.

I followed unofficial tutorial, adding gameplaytags to my project and adding them in DefaultGame.ini to bind with activation fail, in order to get activation failed tags work in my project, but it didn’t work. I just can’t see fail messages neither in screen nor in output log with the console command “showdebug ability system.”

I checked GASDocumentation project and Lyra sample project in UE5.4, and both projects didn’t show the messages either even though activation tags are setup just like the tutorial.

Am I missing something? or Is this a bug?

My project is developed with UE5.4, so the issue should not be that i forgot to call UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().InitGlobalData(), the function is called in FGameplayAbilitiesModule::GetAbilitySystemGlobals() in UE5.4.

I figured out for screen messages. You have to type abilitySystem.Debug.NextCategory twice in console command, then you get fail messages.

I am not sure about output log yet.