I am using the installed 4.5.1. We download a uasset from our server and instantiate it. Once garbage collection happens automatically (or we use GetWorld().ForceGarbageCollection(true)), we get
[2014.10.29-22.50.33:355][454]LogUObjectBase:Error: Class pointer is invalid or CDO is invalid.
[2014.10.29-22.50.33:356][454]LogUObjectBase:Error: Class object failed IsValidLowLevelFast test.
[2014.10.29-22.27.05:170][694]LogUObjectBase:Error: Object flags are invalid or either Class or Outer is misaligned
Fatal error: [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\GarbageCollection.cpp] [Line: 273]
Invalid object in GC: 0x00000000112e7898, ReferencingObject: SkeletalMeshComponent /Game/UEDPIE_0_default.Default:PersistentLevel.ASSET_1895.SkeletalMeshComponent0, ReferencingProperty: ObjectProperty /Script/Engine.SkeletalMeshComponent:SingleAnimationPlayData.VertexAnimToPlay
UE4Editor.exe has triggered a breakpoint.
We have the ability to animate and move the downloaded asset, but once GC runs, it crashes. I am not sure if we are forgetting to set something on our instantiation of the downloaded asset, or anything like that.