Gaps between landscape components in 5.0.2?

Hi all - I’ve noticed on a heightmap-generated landscape that it is generating gaps between landscape components. I hadn’t noticed this in 5.0 EA but it is happening now in 5.0.2. Images attached below. Any ideas on how to resolve?

(note that this is not just an in-editor visual problem; these do appear to be gaps and not just grid lines, and they are visible also in the packaged project).


I don’t suppose that’s a buggy texture? Have you tried a different one?

Hey there - thanks for the reply. It is not a material issue. Attached below, you can see the issue persists even if no material at all is applied to the object

Wow! - you’re right. Nothing comes to mind yet…

Just today I started noticing the same issue.
3060ti with latest studio drivers

Strange indeed. I submitted a bug report for this since I am not the only one experiencing this issue.

Interested to hear of anyone with the same problem and also possible solutions

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This just popped up for me as well. I resampled my landscape from 1021x1021 to 8161x8161 and now I have these gaps. I’m also on 5.0.2. I tried exporting the heightmap and reimporting it to a new landscape, but still broken.

Edit: I fixed it for me. I resampled again, but this time i set the Section Size from 2x2 to 1x1. Not exactly the resolution I wanted, but it’ll do and it got rid of the gaps.

Hmm…no luck for me; I resampled to 1x1 and still the same, although I did not full re-import because…well…then I’ll be re-sculpting my entire landscape.

I will say though that it is a bit less noticeable with exponential height fog disabled:

Although not having fog shouldn’t really be the answer here.

Still no resolution to this issue, bumping because I’m wondering if anyone has a fix for this.

This issue goes back to 2015: Gaps Between Landscape components - #8 by ddvlost

EDIT: Found a solution to this. My landscape somehow got resized to a small increment and I never noticed (100.000001% scale). Probably because it is not possible to make objects non-selectible from the viewport and I dragged it without noticing (grr, epic plz).

Anyways after resetting the landscape scale to an integer value the gaps are gone. Hope this helps someone else out there, and epic please make objects non-selectible in the outline for god’s sake it’s 2022


Forgive my noobness but how did you achieve that? I read your solution but I have no clue what you mean or what to do. Thank you

Select your landscape. On the right hand panel, under “details”, you’ll find a menu for “Transform.” The scale value is what you’re looking for.

We’re up to UE 5.2 preview now and still no option to make objects non-selectable from the outliner :expressionless:


Thank you so much! I appreciate that you took the time to guide me. About the non-selectable object, yeah it’s such a pain and it gets worse when project are getting more advanced…

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Thanks so much!! I used the excellent Landscaping plugin for UE5, and it generates accurate real-world scale data for imported heightmaps, but it uses float values with many decimal points. So rounding each scale value for X, Y, Z to the closest integer got rid of those nasty gaps. :smiley:

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Hello, I noticed a similar issue with my terrain. I had to lower the terrain size to match a real world terrain
Scale X/Y => 61%

This has caused gaps between the terrain components.
Are there any solutions ?

All the terrain tiles need the exact same scale value.

Hey, bump on this, it’s happening on my terrain as well, i’m going to do some testint to try to solve the issue. In my case, my terrain needed to be scaled up on creation to match the correct world size. Seem pretty stratightfoward, but notice this gap, trying to fix now. :expressionless:

UE 5.3

Edit: I got to fix it. How? i tried this, in my calculations i had to rescale my terrain in this value to be correct in km 369.23502, what i did was to roudn the number to 369. From what you guys said, seem to be a issue for unreal to deal with tiny numbers on scaling values of landscape.
That was my approach. It’s not gonna be 1:1 of my terrain, but is good enough :slight_smile:

Thank you this solved the issue for me! (I changed the scale from 65.44524 to 65.5 )

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