Gant go through Open Door

So i was aking many times for a Help, but still i dont get one, well i was looking to Find a answer was looking in Answer Hub find something thats simliar but i dont resolved my Problem. i cant go thourgh my Open Door, i was deleting my Old Village House and Create a New One still It dont HELPED me.

Auot Convex Collision dont works Like it should, its Looks Terrible than UCX_

UCX_XXX dont Work, so how im be Able to Go through a Simple Open Door in ue 4?

dont anwer the Tutorial Page, i was reading it Many times ^^, and yeah i have Gaps between the Boxes still doesnt Work , so Hope now Someone can Help me, theres no Fun , just Frustating atm. cuz im trying it a Long time now.


There is collision in the way you need to make a proper collision mesh or switch your static mesh’ Collision Complexity from Default (using Collision Mesh) to Use Complex Collision as Simple (Located in Static Mesh Settings) this will result in only your actual vertices being used for collision but its more costly I believe.

It looks like your door area is missing geometry. The model needs work.

You could use BSP brushes and carve it out if you don’t have time right now.

You should download some free models from the launcher and see how they are constructed.