Question about game mode and game state.
I read heaps of article on it and think I get the difference for the most part but have a question about the replication.
In my multiplayer farm game I have plant growth that does a bit of calculations , only the answer of the answer of the calculation is used for players, let’s say there is a delta time ticker in game mode that cause growth to happen, once the plant can be harvested I just need to replicate the boolean value.
Can I do the following; do all the math in game mode, and then just update gamestate with the right boolean to replicate it to clients?
(Why?) I think that running less code in game state makes replication more efficient since I don’t want to replicate things I don’t need i.e. thus I put that in game mode. Is that needed or should I not care, i.e. keep it simple and put everything in game state in case I need it later?
Thanks in advance