I wanna see Conker’s Bad Fur Day.
wooo someone bumped it.
well, since making this thread, i’ve done some experimenting with dolphin, hd textures, and modern post processing effects and my dreams of seeing an HD twilight princess has reach the level of “Close enough”, ^.^
Alright, so is a list of everything going on in the scene.
SSAO, DOF, Color Vibrance, HD textures, Good bloom (I say this because tp had bad default bloom, and ambient lighting. ^.^
I made this myself and i’ve gotten some great compliments…though agree’s my use of DOF is insane.
That looks amazing. Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game.
And yeah, sorry for the bump. :o
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Not so much a remake as a sequel, but sequels to Chrono Cross and Legend of Dragoon is something I would pay good money for! I miss the older JRPG system that has fallen by the wayside in recent years.
For an actual remake - Final Fantasy: Tactics.
Good choices, I’d also say Secret of Mana…! That would be also a +1 for the original dragon age.
G-Police and Colony Wars. I think that would be to not only see them in UE4, but to get a comeback on top of that.
I would love to see the old SWG… Pre CU and NGE
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
+1 Skyrim would be an title to remake. Even if the actual one is still pretty sweet. But it would be a good reason to play it several times again.
I see it got bumped.
Rizzo0095. your DOF is not insane some mmos that use unreal have just that. And sometimes it is cool addition for eg when exploring or killing those rats for some guy in town. Makes that fuzzy and warm feeling for me.
As for topic i wish that Betheshda bought unreal license and made next fallout and skyrim 0on unreal, yes those games are moddable, but tools are from stone age computer era.
I would like to see a doom 1 game, with same gamemechanics and a 2 1/2D Artstyle.
Even with the same monsterstyles, not to much blingbling (substance for example), but functions/mechanics reworked.
Perhaps rigid body stuff, but with many more animations and sounds.
Shoot limbs off, split the big round cirle monster with every shoot outside the iris into half.
Limbs are reconnecting to other monsters limbs and mutate in some way.
When you shoot for example monster 1 in level 1 with a hitratio > = 50% into legs, next level Monster gets one additional at start to shoot off, or with armor.
Double dragon heh
Anyone remember this?
Anyone remember this?
Actually… https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?61899-Strife-1996-Remake&highlight=Strife - seems to have gone quiet though.
Tiberian Sun/Wars - ideas mix from both those games
Actually… https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?61899-Strife-1996-Remake&highlight=Strife - seems to have gone quiet though.
Oh cool! His facebook page seems to have some recent updates, though if he’s solo it might take a while. That was such a fun game.
Crash ( from ps1 )
Final Fantasy 7
Star Wars Dark Forces
Just got it from GOG and man, really love it, brings back old memories. And it also shows how weird the controller is Can’t configure the keyboard, mouse look just doesn’t exist and make me realize how important mouse look feature is. So a UE4 version of DF is very welcome!
edit: just found the Settings utility, can configure the keyboard to the usual WASD, although mouse look is still not exist
Dungeon Master
The Faery Tale Adventure
Final Fantasy 7 :D…
I’ll myself , well you never guess what? I said they should do FF7 in Unreal and what did they go and do??!
Not to mention it looks Epic ;)…
Shenmue (dreamcast)
+1 for Shenmue