Games you would love to see remade in Unreal Engine 4

EverQuest 1 [Original + Kunark only] … oh sweet memories!

I third that! :slight_smile:

I’d like to add Secret of Mana and/or Secret of Evermore.

Soul Reaver 3…imagine that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Soul Reaver 3…imagine that :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds pretty choice.

Sounds pretty choice.

Another fulla?

Another fulla?

Might have to return my NZ card, going to admit I had to check if I understood fulla (I DID), haven’t actually lived there in not far off 20 years.

I like to see Shenmue remade withe UE4.

Please give me Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger in UE4 remake

Hmmm, as SqueeeNix have been using UE4… Maybe the FF7 re-make is being made in it?


If anyone can push an engine in terms of graphics, it’s Squeenix.!

1.Metal Gear 1 msx
2.Resident Evil 3
3. Crisis duo

Morrowind. Warband. Unreal 1&2.

Morrowind. Warband. Unreal 1&2.

It isn’t UE4, is creating a new engine for Morrowind.

I like to see Shenmue remade withe UE4.

Not a remake, but still,


It isn’t UE4, is creating a new engine for Morrowind.

Well aware of the project. Somewhat a contributor.

But thank you :slight_smile:

Final Fantasy 7 :D…

Considering Kingdom Hearts 3 is being made on UE4 and they plan to do remake… there high it may actually happen

I’d have to say…Soul Reaver, The Suffering and MedEvil. I would also like to add Evil Dead: Fistfull of Boomstick and a 3rd person of Zombie Ate My Neighbors. That would be EPIC!!! Haha.

TEAM BUDDIES !!! and Freedom Fighters especially for its PS2/XBOX Multiplayer gamemode !!!

I would LOVE to see revival of the Blood series by Monolith in the UE4 engine!



Kotor 1 & 2 / The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time / MGS 1 & 3

Final Fantasy 7