February 16, 2024, 10:26pm
Super Tree Pack 5 (Mobile)
Vertex Count: 200~450
This pack contains 30 highly optimized trees with only about 200~450 triangles suitable for the mobile platform
The branches and leaves are in an atlas texture and only the trunk is 3D. With this method, you will have an optimal and beautiful looking tree
These trees are suitable in games that require a large number of trees in the scene. For example, trees around the road in racing games.
February 17, 2024, 11:10pm
February 20, 2024, 10:59pm
February 21, 2024, 9:48pm
Mobile Tree Bundle
40% OFF for February 2024 (Was 9.99$ Now 5.99$)
This pack contains highly optimized trees with only about 300 triangles suitable for the mobile platform
The branches and leaves are in an atlas texture and only the trunk is 3D. With this method, you will have an optimal and beautiful looking tree
These trees are suitable in games that require a large number of trees in the scene. For example, trees around the road in racing games.
February 22, 2024, 5:33pm
Mega Tree Bundle (Mobile/PC)
50% OFF for February 2024 (Was 40$ Now 20$)
This bundle contains the 14 tree packs which are published in the Marketplace
You can buy all our products with a 40% discount until the end of February
** Click to buy**
**50$ OFF**
Mega Tree Bundle (Mobile/PC)
This bundle contains our all tree packs (27 packs ) which are published in the Marketplace
*** All platforms (Mobile PC)**
*** Proper lightmap UV generated**
*** Realistic textures**
*** Ready to use by drag and drop**
Number of Unique Meshes: More than 500 models
Vertex Count: 1500~3000 for Mobile models
Vertex Count: 6500~7000for PC / Console models
Mobile Tree Bundle
This pack contains highly optimized trees with only about 300 triangles suitable for the mobile platform
Don’t miss the special spring sale
All our products are sold with 50% discount
Make your spring dream a reality with our trees
Click to enter the store page
Mega Tree Bundle (Mobile/PC)
Mobile Tree Bundle
Stylized Tree Bundle (Mobile/Desktop)
Super Pine Pack (Mobile)
Mobile Tree Bundle
This pack contains highly optimized trees with only about 300 triangles suitable for the mobile platform
The branches and leaves are in an atlas texture and only the trunk is 3D. With this method, you will have an optimal and beautiful looking tree
These trees are suitable in games that require a large number of trees in the scene. For example, trees around the road in racing games.
Download Windows Demo Unreal Engine 5
Flower Tree Pack 4 (Mobile/PC)
This pack contains a number of trees optimized in an advanced way for your projects. The texture of the leaves of the trees has been professionally atlased with high resolution.
The models are ready to be used in your games and projects by drag and drop.
Each model has the correct UV lightmap for use with Lightmass without overlapping UV’s
The leaves are 3d double sided to have proper normal in rendering
Vertex Count: 2000~2500 for Mobile models
Vertex Count: 6500~7500 for PC models
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