Hi all,
I’m creating my first GameplayAbility using Blueprints. I’m seeing that the GameplayAbility is activated, but is instantly cancelled.
I have a PlayerState which contains an AbilitySystemComponent. My Character (default pawn class) accesses the AbilitySystemComponent from GetPlayerState[0] and registers the GameplayAbility.
Then using an EnhancedInputAction event on my Character I activate the registered GameplayAbility via a Gameplay Tag Container.
The GameplayAbility simply plays a montage and waits for it to end. However, the montage never plays and the “OnCancelled” execution of the “PlayMontageAndWait” block is immediately called.
Thank you!
Nevermind, I have found the issue:
“LogAbilitySystem: Warning: UAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWait called in Ability GA_Attack_C_0 failed to play montage AM_Slash; Task Instance Name None.”
Edit: curious why the Animation Montage isn’t playing
Edit: Thinking it has to do with my Animation Blueprint
Back to square one haha. My Gameplay Ability is not being activated.
I am adding the Gameplay Ability to an AbilitySystemComponent and then activate the ability by tag. Using the blueprint debugger I can see that the TryActivateAbilitiesByTag and GiveAbility actions are reached. I access the same AbilitySystemComponent in both actions (or so im assuming, unless the player state changes, but it should not).
I can see that the Gameplay Ability is added to the AbilitySystemComponent:
I also see that the owner is my ARPGAbilitySystemComponent, not my Character blueprint, perhaps that is the issue?