Gameplay Visualization Toolkit

A long time ago I had a project called Gavit aiming to make prototyping, directed gameplay video and machinima authoring easier. The system was an extension of the engine’s infrastructure and assumed an intermediate knowledge of UnrealEd. The goal was to empower the user so they can show an idea without involving programmers.

After a few years I ran out of money and into some engine limitations so I moved on. The stuff was sitting on my HDD ever since and recently I was encouraged to release it so I did. You can find the download link on the project page:

Everything (code and assets) is licensed GNU GPL v3.0 and provided as-is, I’m not responsible for anything bad happening because of it. I will do my best to answer any questions you might have.

I hope someone will find something usable in there. :slight_smile:

WOW! Your custom kismet nodes and implementation classes are artistic! +_+
Your works are impressive.

I hope that you will remake ‘Gavit’ in ‘Unreal Engine 4’.
Thank you for sources.

Hehe, thanks, although most of the uscript credit goes to James Tan, Sam Evans, Angelmapper and Ambershee. :slight_smile: I just built on their solid foundation.

I do want to implement performance recording in UE4 at some point, especially since it has some sort of multiplayer demo functionality already.

Thank you.You can never have enough custom kismet nodes.Going to see what i can scavenge for my gameplay mechanics :wink: