Gameplay Tags, Remove all? Other Questions

I’m diving into the Engine’s Gameplay Tags and Learn as much as I can. I have so far tested 3 things

  1. Adding a Burn Status effect after overlapping actor. Accomplished with an Interface and running the event in my player that adds status.burned as such

  2. I’ve removed the status effect when i roll (inside my player), and when I heal which is inside my health Actor component while using an event dispatcher.

3 I’ve replaced 3 bools when I roll (can attack, Immune,dodging) with tags by using the append node

This all works fine, but I have questions based on some issues I had

  1. Is there a way to remove multiple tags at once? Basically the opposite of the append node? The Unreal Documentation says it can be accomplished with a remove tag and append node, but It doesn’t work for me. For now, doing it as separate remove nodes works

  2. Even if I get a reference to a gameplay container for my player in another actor with an interface when I try to remove a tag or add a tag it will return false always. I did read somewhere this has something to do with C++? I only use blueprints, so Event dispatchers were the workaround for this. But anyone know the reason behind this? I did try casting to the gameplay tag asset interface but that just failed.

  3. I tried to have my healing remove ALL status effects (burned and poisoned in this test proj) by just selecting status in the remove tag, which I assume would remove status and all its sub tags associated with it, but it didn’t do anything and returned false even though I had status.burned tag added to the container. Is there another method to dealing with the root tag and removing all its sub tags?

Look forward to learning

I encountered the same thing. Want to delete any tag unders parent tag, but cannot do this, forced to dlete tags one by one.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to create custom C++ function which deletes many tags at once

I ended up making a macro with a sequence and remove tag 5x. Then plugged tag into the input so i can just set them. Works but its still dumb