Gameplay Ability System for turn based games

Hi im not sure if i picked the right category but anyway:

Im currently trying to make a turn based game and i figured i’d try to use the GAS. Currently i’m not too sure if this is the right approach for a turn based game and a lot of ressources that give insight to the GAS are doing it from a real-time game. The game is supposed to be somehting like xcom where u select an ability and then you choose one or several tiles as a target. Does the GAS provide the right tools to handle a turn based game flow? Can i activate an ability for example and then remain in a state where i preview some data based on the tile a player hovers over and only commit to it when he does some input again.

Also what about gameplayEffects? they have a concept of a duration, but is this duration only meant for continues values (like 1 minute) or also for discrete ones (like 3 turns)?

I would really appreciate some input on this.
Thx in advance for any answer