gameplay ability -> gameplay cue. Is there a way to pass both instigator and target into Cue data?

I have a top down game and I an trying to draw a tracer from the player to an enemy when they shoot a gun.

In order to draw the tracer, my GameplayCue would need both the owner position and the target position passed in… but I cannot for the life of me figure this out

Here is my setup

  • player has gameplay ability “GA_Shoot”
  • “GA_Shoot” calls “Wait Target Data”
  • On Valid Data, we apply gameplay effect “GE_Damage” using "ApplyGameplayEffectToTarget"and passing in FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle Data
  • I am also able to call ExecuteGameplayCueOnActor on the owner to play a muzzle flash gameplay cue, but I cannot pass in the target into this function because all I have isFGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle Data, which I don’t really think I can use? Or is there a trick I am missing