Gameplay Ability Effect Context Handle Add Hit Result not working

Hi guys, Im trying to add hit result to GameplayEffectContextHandle using the AddHitResult Node. As Shown in the image, i have added a hit result with Location(50,50,50) to the GameplayEffectContextHandle. However, when i get the HitResult from GameplayEffectContextHandle and print it out, its seems that the hit result does not change:(. Does anyone encounter this before? Any help is appreciated.:slight_smile:

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Hi. Did you manage to solve this issue? I’ve encountered it myself

Hi. When you make a effectContext with your AbilitySystemComponent you need to save it in a variable, add the HitResult to this variable then the variable will have the hit result.


Thank you very much, I have been troubled by this problem for a long time


Is this a known bug? Can’t manage to get a hitresult in my cue launched from an effect in any way, parameters are always default anything I do from blueprint

I had the same problem, but I was adding a magnitude to the spec handle after adding the hitResult
I’ve changed to GetEffectContext from the result of AssignTagSetBYCallerMagnitude and then called AddHitResult before applying the Effect and it worked!

Hope this help you

Thank you, this should be marked as answer.

Is not the way this should work, but this is the way to workaround it.