Gamepad Special Left button not working

I have successfully mapped all of the actions in my game to an xbox 360 controller, however for some reason the ‘Special left’ button doesn’t register. I have checked in windows and the button seems to work fine. A bit stumped at the moment as I have used up all the other buttons and really need this one to work… I would greatly appreciate any advice!


Just had a similar issue. Special keys were not working. After a little bit of digging I found out the key was already used in an existing Input Mapping Context in my project (some framework I use). Therefore my events were not triggered. After removing the key binding from that existing Input Mapping Context, it started working for me. So it may be good to check if the key is not already mapping in some other place.

I’ve had a look through all my input mappings but it doesn’t seem mapped to anything else. also when I use an ‘any key’ event it doesn’t register. Very strange as it shows up in windows as working. I’m wondering if I have it mapped to something in a blueprint somewhere (although I don’t remember doing this). Many thanks for the reply though.

And as soon as I posted this I found it! I had randomly assigned it to something in my player controller! Thanks for the help as it made me start looking!

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