I am making a local-multiplayer game (2 - 4 Players - Not Splitscreen), and I want them all to be controlled with Gamepads (Xbox or PS4). I am able to create and possess all of my players, and I’ve confirmed through printing the PlayerController Name that all the pawns are possessing correctly. However, Player 1 is not able to be controlled by the first gamepad. I have 2 gamepads connected, but they control players 2 and 3. Player 1 can ONLY be controlled by the keyboard. This is not the behavior that I want.
I am familiar with the “Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1” option in Project Settings > Maps & Modes > Local Multiplayer, but it is not enabled so I know it’s not responsible. Though, to make sure of this, I enabled it, and it pushed the controls back further so the gamepads controlled players 3 and 4 instead.
I had it all working at one point, but at some point (I don’t know when), it started behaving like this. I’ve gone through every option/method that I can think of to try and fix this. Any help would be much appreciated.
I just did both of those. I exported the “Maps & Modes” to an INI File, and it shows that it is, in fact, disabled. And as for project corruption, I doubt it. I created a brand new “Blank BP” project, then imported my content folder from my main project. I also imported the “DefaultInput.ini” file so that I didn’t have to rebind all my inputs. But, the problem still persists. I am pretty confident that I am doing/have done something with a setting somewhere that is causing this behavior.
I verified the Unreal Engine Version 4.17.2 (Using the verify drop-down command from the Epic Launcher). And I have also tested a brand new project without changing ANYTHING. I used the first-person blueprint template project and pressed play. The mouse worked, but the controller didn’t. I checked, and it has input setup for the controller.
I was thinking though, could it be a problem with DS4? From my research, that’s the best/only way to get PS4 controllers to work on Windows 10. I don’t know what could’ve changed about that though. I didn’t alter any settings. I’m still at a complete loss. I have no idea what’s causing this or how to fix it.
I’m making one more post to this thread to let people know that the solution has resolved itself. I don’t know what caused the problem in the first place, but just as mysteriously as it appeared, it has gone. I never did figure out any solution to the problem, so I was continuing development of my project hoping that it would resolve itself, and it did (Thankfully). If anyone has this problem in the future, my condolences…
Have you unchecked the play in editor option for “Use 2nd gamepad for player 1”? I can’t remember the exact wording, but it skips assigning gamepad to the first player. Use the dropdown next to your PIE button and check out the Advanced options. It’s in there somewhere.