Gamepad-Friendly UMG ~ Control Cursor with Gamepad Analog Stick! Easily Click Buttons!

If you have Visual Studio installed, you can switch to 4.17 and build from the project

If you are having trouble compiling for 4.17, make sure you have Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 installed. (But beware, Update 3 will only allow your machine to compile UE4.11 and on. So make sure you’re not working with older projects.)

If anyone knows how to and has the time could someone please update this to work with 4.17

I switched engine versions on one of my projects to 4.17, as this plugin was part of it anyway, I recompiled it too along with the project files. I tested it on 64-bit shipping build and it works fine for me. Here is the link if anyone wants just the plugin for 4.17

thank you!

Well… here we go again XD

4.18 Dropbox - - Simplify your life

That’s awesome of you SB1985! Thanks so much for updating this for everyone. I still don’t really comprehend why gamepad functionality isn’t already built into the engine.

No problem XD

Also, I agree, it should be built-in by default inside UE4.

Awesome! =)

Thank you @SB1985 and yeah, should definitely be built in. A lot of plugins like the LE Extended Standard Library and Substance Plugin really should be.

Wait how do I add these to my project?

Copy it to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Plugins\

Then copy it again to your project folder, for example: Documents\Unreal Projects\YourProject\Plugins\

Once that is done, open up the project, go to plugins, enable it, restart project, done.
“Enable/Disable Virtual Cursor” should be working in any Blueprint that supports “Get Player Controller”

This version won’t bulid past 4.15. in the GamepadUMGPlugin.Build.cs you can’t have public GamepadUMGPlugin(TargetInfo Target). You have to change it with public GamepadUMGPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)

We changed the target rules at GitHub - metahusk/UE4GamepadUMG: Unreal Engine 4 gamepad plugin so you can use a gamepad like a mouse in UMG

I’m using it on 4.18 without any issues so far. Although, I haven’t done any extensive controller testing. Let me know if you have any problems. So far I haven’t noticed any.

Thanks alot for this I will give it a try. Also please Epic add this to the base engine. I’m sure lots of people want to ship on console or support gamepad on PC.

Hey guys,

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Warning    C4996    'FSlateApplication::SetInputPreProcessor': SetInputPreProcessor(...) is deprecated. Use RegisterInputPreProcessor(...) and/or UnregisterInputPreProcessor(...) / UnregisterAllInputPreProcessors(...) instead. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.    GameModes    F:\Unreal Engine 4\Project Aruna\MVP\ue4-repo\GameModes\Plugins\GamepadUMGPlugin\Source\GamepadUMGPlugin\Private\GameAnalogCursor.cpp    27    
Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Warning    C4996    'FSlateApplication::SetInputPreProcessor': SetInputPreProcessor(...) is deprecated. Use RegisterInputPreProcessor(...) and/or UnregisterInputPreProcessor(...) / UnregisterAllInputPreProcessors(...) instead. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.    GameModes    F:\Unreal Engine 4\Project Aruna\MVP\ue4-repo\GameModes\Plugins\GamepadUMGPlugin\Source\GamepadUMGPlugin\Private\GameAnalogCursor.cpp    48    

somebody can help with these warning from VS 2017?

■■■■ this is cool, legit.

Does anyone here know if it is possible to move the mouse cursor inside of a widget using arrow keys, with similar drag and acceleration functionality to this gamepad UMG plugin?

(Yes, I am looking for the equivalent of Microsoft Mouse Keys for Unreal) :confused:

The player needs to be able to move the cursor by a single screen co-ordinate along the x or y axis, but also to be able to hold an arrow key down and zip along an single axis in a straight line.

Ideally I would like the ability to use this functionality in-game also, to have it permanently active in order to make very precise camera movements.

Thank you in advance, if anyone has any idea how this could be achieved.

I had so many problems with VS 2017 that I moved back to '15.

First of all thank you for this wonderfull plugin!
I Tried to make it work though, But I have this error again and again

Creating makefile for hot reloading knightborne (no existing makefile)
WARNING: D:\Unreal engine\UE_4.18\Engine\Plugins\GamepadUMGPlugin\Source\GamepadUMGPlugin\GamepadUMGPlugin.Build.cs: warning: Module constructors should take a ReadOnlyTargetRules argument (rather than a TargetInfo argument) and pass it to the base class constructor from 4.15 onwards. Please update the method signature.
WARNING: C:\Users\Bellafquih\Documents\Unreal Projects\knightborne\Plugins\GamepadUMGPlugin\Source\GamepadUMGPlugin\GamepadUMGPlugin.Build.cs: warning: Module constructors should take a ReadOnlyTargetRules argument (rather than a TargetInfo argument) and pass it to the base class constructor from 4.15 onwards. Please update the method signature.
ERROR: Couldn’t find target rules file for target ‘knightborne’ in rules assembly ‘UE4Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.
Location: D:\Unreal engine\UE_4.18\Engine\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\UE4Rules.dll
Target rules found:
UE4Editor - D:\Unreal engine\UE_4.18\Engine\Source\UE4Editor.Target.cs
UE4Game - D:\Unreal engine\UE_4.18\Engine\Source\UE4Game.Target.cs
UnrealHeaderTool - D:\Unreal engine\UE_4.18\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealHeaderTool\UnrealHeaderTool.Target.cs

I’m not a programmed, so I can’t make sens of this.
I set up input nodes in both my widget blueprint and player character to try to see where the error intervenes, with little succes.
I can move the cursor around, but it doesn’t seem to click or hover over UI elements that are suposed to react to such inputs!

Thank you for your help :smiley: