In trying to improve our load times we’re attempting the suggestions at the bottom of this article. However, running the game with -fileopenlog in the Quest 2 does not output any GameOpenOrder.log to the device.
Do you know how to generate this file for Android in general or Quest 2 specifically? Does this OpenOrder even work on non-windows builds?
Did you ever figure this out, @duderseb?
I’m currently seeing the same behavior with Linux builds using UE 4.17. I’ve been messing with it for over an hour now with no success. Nothing I do results in a GameOpenOrder.log being produced.
Hey there @plwalsh - we were never able to figure this one out unfortunately. Chalked it up to a manifest/write permission issue on the Quest that prevented the OpenOrder file from being generated. That said I’m not sure if there are other/further issues with Linux or the version of the engine you’re using but we went another route (async soft references) to improve our load times.
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