when i load the engine the pawn keeps being unset in the game mode when accessed via the blueprints button on the top of the editor, ill save after i have changed it, close the editor, then reload it and the setting will be not there i don’t know if this is a bug or not but my intuition is telling me this is a bug.
Hi ,
Have you made sure to set the pawn that you want in your game mode and set the game mode in the project settings as well as the world settings?
i believe so
Ok, if you change the pawn within the gamemode by going through the content browser, opening the gamemode blueprint and setting the pawn in the default pane there, does this still occur?
Hi ,
We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this as accepted for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment back with the requested information. Thank you.
We are getting this bug as well. Version is 4.6
Every reset of the editor resets the values our gamemode blueprint to defaultPawn and stuff, which crashes the game unless we set it to our own character. This is unfortunately annoying to deal with so can you explain why this is happening?
Hi MajinKen,
Have you tried this in a more recent version of the editor to see if the error still occurs? If you could, try this in 4.7 by creating a copy of your original project (don’t convert in place if possible to avoid data corruption).