GameMode breaks LAN Sessions - GameModeBase works - Why?

Hi Everyone,

I’m converting my multiplayer game into a special LAN version but the Sessions just won’t work.
I made a minimal example UE project and it works fine there. Copying and pasting the Create/Find session scripts to my main project fails.

One thing I tried and that made the Sessions work was to re-inherit my special GameMode to use **GameModeBase **instead.
Then suddenly it worked.
But then my game state didn’t work. I changed that to use GameStateBase but then the Sessions didn’t work again.

When I’m inheriting from ‘GameMode’ and it fails I get these messages,

[2018.09.04-22.51.35:980][279]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
[2018.09.04-22.51.35:981][279]LogLoad: Took 0.014301 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/LAN_found)
[2018.09.04-22.51.37:966][399]LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Ignoring game search request while one is pending
[2018.09.04-22.51.38:966][459]LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Ignoring game search request while one is pending

Does anyone know why GameMode would break Sessions but not GameModeBase? (as what to inherit from)

Grateful for pointers!


I have the same question
As I guess and it’s my opinion GameMode class is not created for Lan but only for Internet