
Good day,

I have a big problem:
If I package my game or play it on standalone my game freezes.
It doesn´t freeze if I set the options on 720p and graphics on low.
I saw on taskmanager, that my game runs on full graphics with 90-99% usage.
After 10 seconds playing it bumps shortly on 100% and freezes.
After 30 seconds I get these errorcode:


I tested on other systems with lower specs then mine and it doesn´t freeze.
The problem is only with unreal engine 4.
Hopefully somebody can help me. I don´t know what´s wrong.

If you need more information just ask.

Best regards.

Oh my gawd, I have same issues and posted the comment. So surprise UE claims that they are best in the world NO DOUBT, but no response to this in 2 years ???

Hi ajeets1978, I fixed the problem a while ago.
The problem was not unreal itself. My gpu was broken. After getting a new one, I had no problems.
Reinstall drivers didn’t solve the problem. If you have exactly the same symptoms, I would try to use another gpu to test the freezes.

Best regards

Please mark this as resolved