GameClass initialized to default if Automation Testing is running

In Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/World.cpp : 2784 - bool UWorld::SetGameMode(const FURL& InURL)

if( GIsAutomationTesting )
	// fall back to raw GameMode if Automation Testing, as the shared engine maps were not designed to use what could be any developer default GameMode
	GameClass = AGameMode::StaticClass();

This looks like a hack, and precludes doing any sort of testing of gameplay features (i.e. regression testing pathfinding or object interactions).

Eliminating that code path and allowing the game mode to be loaded normally during Automation Testing didn’t cause any issues with any of the tests bundled with the engine.

Hello Radu,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I went ahead and put in ticket to get this piece of code either removed or changed to be friendlier instead of being so outright.

This change was originally added because game projects can hang when running tests on the maps found in the engine content folder that weren’t setup to work with that projects game mode…

Thanks again.