It should work. You will have to get more infos on your issue. Try to localize your problem :
PrintString on collisions to check if the collision is okay
PrintString on Checkpoint variable after each checkpoint
PrintString on Checkpoint variable when player dies
PrintString before each LoadLevel
If it is the LoadLevel, maybe the scene is not in your package, so by default, the default map will be loaded, meaning the first map. The editor doesn’t have this issue since the maps are already here.
By writing these sentences, I believe that it is the issue. Go to Project Settings > Packaging > Expand the first category, and check “Cook only maps” and select the “CheckpointX” maps in the “List of maps to include in a packaged build”.
Hello, i have a problem with my project:
So i have set it up like this:
When the player stepscollison on a checkpoint, the variable “checkpoint” becomes 1,2 or 3 depending on the checkpoint, and when the player dies it checks the variable “checkpoint” to see if it is 1 2 or 3,if it is 1 it spawns on level checkpoint1 with the command Go on level Checkpoint1, Go on level Checkpoint2 and like this on all other checkpoints depending on the variable.
The problem is this:
In the editor it runs perfectly,when i step on the ckeckpoint it registers the variable and when i die i respawn there.
The problem is one.When i package it for Windows, always when i die it goes to the start.
Checkpoint Blueprint
Checkpoint 3 - if a player collides with the triggerbox X then set checkpoint = 3
Checkpoint 2 - if a player collides with the triggerbox X then set checkpoint = 2
Checkpoint 1 - if a player collides with the triggerbox X then set checkpoint = 1
Checking Blueprint
If checkpoint = 1 then go to level “checkpoint1”
if checkpoint = 2 then go to level “checkpoint2”
Please help me…
Game works perfectly when im on editor,when i step on a checkpoint it registers the variable and then when i die i respawn there…
But when i package it always start from the begining of the game…
Is teher some problem with levels in a pcakaged game?