So I’ve finished my game, and packaged it, and everything works fine in the editor. So I get my file uploaded to the Google Play Store, Then I realise that I haven’t tested it on an Android device. So I use the Android SDK, and a USB port to test my game on an Android Samsung Galaxy Tab, However here’s what happens. It shows my splash screen, plays the music I have with it, then shows the main menu widget. I click my different buttons “Credits” and “Story”, and they both open up their separate widgets. Then I click “Start”, which is supposed to open up the game, which is a randomly generated endless runner, constantly panning to the left. But instead, it just restarts the main menu widget, displaying my splash screen with sound, and showing the main menu. I have worked on this game for about 3 months, and I have squashed many different bugs and package build fails, however I just can’t seem to figure this one out. I am extremely desperate and really need help. One thing that I did notice is that the game is having a hard time opening basically any level except for the main menu, will this be happening with the APK that I have packaged? Like is this possibly a problem with the playing live on the device?
I also included 2 screenshots of my level, and how my level is supposed to start. Again, it works fine in the editor, so I really can’t figure out what the problem is. But I really need help, so please, any help is appreciated.