Game structure

Hi there!,

I’m just creating a simple mutiplayer hide and seek game as an amateur and start wondering where should I put certain behaviors of the game. As an example, as soon as the seeker finds all the hiders the game is over and seeker wins so I want to run an animation in the map for all the player. I want this animation to be configurable so should I create a blueprint for it? shoul be the game mode object responsible for that? should I create a event dispatcher in the game mode object so all the player can subscribe on?. So I wanted to know more about haw to have a proper structure for a game to have a clear vision about where to put things and who is responsible.

What is your game structure?

Thanks in advance.

Hi ijimmun11,

Yes Blueprints would be best for that. Check out some of the tutorials on the internet as there are some very good ones out there, maybe somewhere to start could be:

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Many thanks, I will view the video

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