Game runs slow


I’ve created a mobile game, and I’m having some performance issues. The game slows down often, and the FPS takes a big hit.


**Version: **Unreal Engine 4.10.4
Test phones: Nexus 6p, Galaxy S5
Plugins: UMG, Paper 2D
Style: 2.5D platformer

Now I’m using a UMG HUD called out from the player character BP (only way certain things work, can’t change that), and maybe this influences the fps. However on the other hand, it’s not even a 3D game. Only using sprites and flipbooks. Now I did build the game on the 2.5D platformer template back in the day, because back then there were no other options. So I was wondering how I could improve on my framerate.

On the Nexus 6P it runs okay, smooth most times. However, even not so old phones like the Galaxy S5 already display low FPS’s.

Hi Penhoat,

Here is a good place to start:

Can you provide us with information of your game?

Right now it’s a random guess of what the cause might be. Maybe add some screenshots to give us an idea on what’s going on at the moment that there is no lag and moments that there is lag.

I’ll take a look at that!

*the game

So the HUD is cast out of the player blueprint, which is a UMG widget.

*rendering settings

I don’t think that the widgets are the performance-eater, at least I’ve never experienced a issue from that so far.

The issue you describe I’ve experienced this only when I put the Directional Light in the BP. New phones have no problems (to almost no problems 20-60 FPS), where i.e. on my S4-Mini I play a dia slideshow (~3-4 FPS).

Looking at the screenshot, I’ve 2 questions:

1 (silly) the ground seems like having the sprite being stacked in multiple rows, is this true or just a illusion?
(not that 100 sprites make 1 floor)

2 At which resolution are the sprites stored (and what are their sizes)?

I’ve actually lowered the number of sprites dramatically. for the background. Even though it is a tiny bit better, it didn’t help that much

**UPDATE: **

So the problem was the UMG Widget HUD being cast from the mycharacter script. I changed it so that the UMG Widget HUD was being cast from the gamemode, and now it works buttery smooth on phones :slight_smile:

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