Game runs great but slowly decreases fps, can't find source of bug

This looks fine

You could take a look at this here GPU Stat Profiling - High MS for VisibilityCommands

and this here Visibility and Occlusion Culling | Unreal Engine Documentation

edit: the view visibility is growing
as the game goes on, could this be
related to visibility commands?

From the docs:

View Visibility The amount of frame
time spent to process Actor visibility

And AFAIK Visibility Commands is the GPU hardware occlusion culling which is the last step to determine which things should be drawn, so maybe they put the time for that into View Visibility as well but I’m just speculating here. I never had a bottleneck in the draw thread so I don’t have too much knowledge about that.

What you could try is duplicate your level and then step by step remove things (replace player pawn / controller with default ones, remove actors,…) until that problem goes away. So to pin it down the hard way.