Game project and documenting my progress, too much?

I’m working on a Super Mario-inspired game project and documenting my progress in a development diary. It includes the changes I’ve made, why I’ve done them, and a lot of technical details.

Do you think it’s valuable to share these detailed notes publicly on my blog, or should I keep them more private and high-level?

Would love to hear your thoughts, especially from those with experience in game development!

Hey @Madeira3d!

I personally do not think so. The trick is organization!

You can add tons and tons of thoughts and details, but some people don’t want to read that, it’s true.

Maybe try breaking it up into smaller posts with the most pertinent information up at the top so those with smaller attention spans aren’t forced into anything, but those who are extremely detail-oriented get what they’re looking for, as well? :slight_smile:

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Hi there @Madeira3d,

Hope you’re well :slight_smile:

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