Welcome Unreal community!
My name is daan and i am an artist, more specifically for games.
I would like to share my upcoming project with you, starting from just a
mere idea.
I am going to make ‘A Tale of knowledge’. For this i will be using unreal engine. And to be honest, i will be using blueprints for the first time.
The game is a hack and slash game where you as player will have to
fight enemies through as much levels as possible.
Each level consists of 10 (number might change), randomly generated rooms in a row. making each level completely new.
The game is a fantasy game where you play as a wizard. The wizard controls many powers
and attacks. These attacks are bound to books. In the beginning of the game, you will only
own 1 book, which contains a fireball spell. This is the basic spell the player can use.
The other books and thus powers can be found throughout the levels and rooms with each their location being randomly generated.
The player is also able to level up by killing enemies. When the player reaches an amount of xp, a screen will
pop up at the side of the playfield where he will be able to increase the level of a certain aspect.
Aspects are or will be: attack, defense, speed and luck,… .
What i want to explain is that i want to create a game that is not only fun to play, but
also keeps being fun to play. To create that i want to use the randomness aspect.
I also created a small, yet far from finished backstory:
Once upon a time, when the world and its people had finally reached peace, an academy of young
wizards was raised from the ground by the elder of town. He was by saying the most powerfull
wizard mankind had ever seen. And so he was the wisest. His knowledge was great and powerfull, yet very exhausting.
The elder suffered, day after day until he found a way to stop his mind from overloading itselve. He used books to store his power. The elder was cured from his suffering but realised that now, he was nothing without his books.
At that very moment, while the elder was resting in his chambers, the era of doom striked upon us.
Shadows flew around, destroying and killing everything in their path.
While the elder managed to keep himselve alive his pupils and fellow wizards had disappeared.
Being in total shock of what happened, he realised his books where also gone.
Sitting, hopeless on the ground, the elder could only do one thing. Recollect his knowledge and save the world.
Besides the idea i have made a to-do list to keep everything in perspective:
TODO.txt (1.31 KB)
As for the art i am going to keep it simple. I would like to make a world, and its components out of voxels.
I have made a mockup to represent what kind of art i want to work to, as well as the HUD system i would like to implement.
As you see in the mockup i would like to play with light. Light can represent a power.
The wizard will always hold a book when he uses a spell. the book will emit light according to the type of spell. For example red when using fire spells.
TODO.txt (1.31 KB)
If you came this far in my post you are awesome. That because i know it is a lot to consume.
This post is representing my mind and thoughts on how i want this to work out. Things will certainly change. But hopefully in the good way. And that is why i need
you guys. The more creative minds the better! And i know there is much improvement possible.
Thanks for reading, and see you soon.