Game production Pipeline

I’ve found a nice game idea and i’ve started working on it, i don’t know if i’ll finish it or even if it will still being developed next week but i want to ask something.
If i finish a proper demo, not a finished product, unoptimized with a few options but i make a nice presentation, a game description text (3-6 pages) and a trailer, is it
enough to start a kickstarter/indiegogo campaign and get funds to buy things like other devs, better stuff, 3D Models, infographist,… and get approx 5k€ (would be enough to get a second screen for me, hire a few person for custom sounds and models + marketing) or to attract a game studio who would buy the project to definitly make it live ? or get Greelit by Steam ?
The idea is a bit new, one or 2 game have the same mechanism but none of them got aaa or were very popular, let’s say it’s really fun to play, competitive and infinite.

depending on your talent and background, even 4 concept art images can be enough to raise hype (Dota2 is a prime example)

anyway just a quick heads up. with a kickstarter campaign where you raise 5k€ you’d probably be able to use 2.5k€ or less. a lot of money goes into paying kickstarter and the relevant taxes, and then pay for all the merchandise that you’d give back to your backers, etc.
and then you have the forced reality check on your kickstarter. why 5k? why not 2k or 10K? what does 5k really buy you? how many 3d models do you get with that money and how many do you need? how many sounds, GUI assets, and so on? a vast number of kickstarter projects fail because they run out of money

Yes, figure out your plan beforehand to know what you truly need, and then realize you will probably need more than you think, because nothing ever goes the way you plan.

Something to keep in mind is KickStarter is not a bank and you can’t keep going back every time you need funding so you only have one chance to make a good first impression.

After that do your research and you can start by checking out successful KickStarter presentations and see what they did that was successful.

As well as part of your research look for the downside more than the warm and fuzzy.